How to live effortlessly!

Life is a rollercoaster ride, with periods when everything goes as planned and others when nothing appears to go right. We all know this, but we have negative emotions and energy when external events are not how we want them to be. Lately, I have also been irritated because of some work and personal life-related events. Nothing extraordinary, but enough to keep you thinking. Generally, I am self-motivated. However, this time, I needed a little nudge. 

The universe was listening and provided just that. A few weeks ago, an email popped up inviting me to attend the “Art of Livin’” by Matthew McConaughey. I have talked in my blogs about discovering who I am, winning against self is the most important competition, the importance of life experiences, flexibility and strength of being like water, the power of a conscious and creative mindset, taking action, and intuition, along with being boundless to unearth limitless potential we all have. I know what is right, and I have been practicing it. 

However, sometimes, you need a reminder, an external voice to reconfirm and validate your beliefs about life, values, purpose, and the tools to navigate the journey called life effortlessly. The event provided me with just that. 

Therefore, I decided to share with my readers some key takeaways from the event.

Background: I have not watched any of Matthew McConaughey’s movies. However, I have heard him speak over the last few years. I loved his style of storytelling, the choice of words, and the anecdotes he presents from his life to relay the thought. I read his memoir “Greenlight” twice and listened once. It is a gem! If you have not read it, I highly recommend reading it. For those who want a quick download of critical ideas, see my thoughts at the end of the blog.

So, I attended the “Art of Livin’” event on April 24. You must be intrigued by the choice of the word “livin’” in the title of the event. Matthew explains during the event that life is nobody’s proper noun, and there’s no “g” at the end of livin’ because life’s a verb.”

The notion that “life is a verb” emphasizes that we are constantly changing and adapting to fit in with our surroundings. The concept shows how vital it is to participate in one’s life and enjoy the ride. Developing, learning, and adapting throughout time are essential for thriving in life. This point of view urges us to do what it takes to make our lives meaningful and authentic expressions of who we are and what we value.

The event began with the idea that what binds every one of us is a desire for more. We seek wisdom, money, wealth, and freedom. McConaughey emphasizes science’s fundamental connection to the art of livin’. Science is knowledge, art is experience. The scientific side represents facts and methods, while the artistic side represents each person’s goals, dreams, and feelings. Science can create art. Studying the playbook and using the right tools may help one call audibles and create life’s art. The art of living makes life meaningful and enjoyable.

McConaughey recommends asking the appropriate questions to have a happy and fulfilling life. Living effortlessly has no single solution. Mastering life requires serious self-questioning and honesty. These questions will help people achieve their ultimate goal: a life they like and are proud of.

The “art of livin'” also involves finding your frequency or life’s driving forces. Finding your frequency requires risk-taking and experimentation. “Be prepared to confront the impermanence of life,” says McConaughey. If you follow your passion and principles, you’ll find your unique frequency and live a real life.

McConaughey emphasizes that self-awareness is the first step to mastering the art of livin’. Accepting our views, feelings, and prior experiences helps us manage fear and uncertainty. We must own our future-altering decisions. Being adaptable and open to new ideas might improve your life.

The event was full of inspiring talks by Tony Robbins, Marie Forleo, and Trent Shelton. I have already re-visited parts of the conversation, and they have provided me a boost and have inspired me to become more of what I’m today. Remember my blog on how we are never finished. 

I’m in a crucial phase of my life where the outcomes of my actions will profoundly impact the quality of my life. However, I can confidently say that whatever the outcome is, I’m more joyful than ever in taking these actions and will not stop chasing the goals even if the results are not in my favor. Life is an obstacle course, and I’m prepared with a big heart and smile. 


As promised, below are some excellent quotes and their context from McConaughey’s thrilling memoir, Greenlights.McConaughey describes life as a road trip full of traffic lights, greenlight (positive moments, opportunities, and realizations that propel us forward) and red and yellow (obstacles, setbacks, and moments of uncertainty or reflection). The key is resilience, which turns the red lights into green. McConaughey notes, “The problems we face today eventually turn into blessings in the rearview mirror of life. Yesterday’s red light leads us to a green light today.” In many cases, people need a challenge to push them to develop and change for the better. We will learn valuable lessons and grow as individuals by facing adversity head-on. 

Another important lesson I learned from the book is a quote from McConaughey’s father, “I’d rather lose money having fun than make money being bored.” McConaughey also said in an interview, “It is okay to have a beer on the way to the temple.” This expression is a metaphor for taking pleasure in the little things in life without feeling guilty about them, even when you are focused on the end goal. It also emphasizes the significance of balancing material comforts with the pursuit of one’s happiness.

“Stepping in shit is inevitable, so let’s either see it as good luck or figure out how to do it less often.”This phrase underlines the influence of perception on our experiences. Misfortune is unavoidable in life, but we can choose how we perceive and respond to it. We may better handle life’s ups and downs by changing our mentality and viewing setbacks as chances for progress.

“Persist, pivot, or concede. It’s up to us, our choice every time and a good plan is first to recognize the problem, then stabilize the situation, organize the response, then respond.” The statement emphasizes that we have the choice of response and by careful selection, we can change the outcome of the challenging situation.

“It is not about win or lose, it is about do you accept the challenge.” This comment underlines that facing and experiencing a problem could be more valuable than winning.  If we accept the process, we may grow as individuals and gain knowledge from the experiences that we have had.

“We cannot appreciate the light without the shadows. We have to be thrown off balance to find our footing. It’s better to jump than to fall.” The quote highlights the need to maintain equilibrium despite the inevitable ups and downs that are a part of everyone’s lives. The ability to persevere through adversity and adapt to new circumstances can be developed by accepting and even welcoming the challenges and unknowns that lie ahead.I will leave you all with this McConaughey’s quote to ponder on our existence, the life we want to create, and the mark we want to leave on the lives we have touched, “Rather than struggle against time and waste it, let’s dance with time and redeem it because we don’t live longer when we try not to die, we live longer when we’re too busy livin’.”

Embrace Boundlessness to unlock a joyful life with limitless possibilities.

You may have noticed the moniker “boundlessanurag” I have used for my website and social media names. Many readers have asked me why I have chosen this unusual moniker and what its significance is for me. 

I had difficulties in my young adulthood where I underestimated my abilities. Slowly, I started realizing the power of manifesting, and practicing it began to change my life. However, the quest to become boundless and break the cycles of success-driven happiness is life-changing for me.

In this blog, I want to share what it means to be boundless, its relevance in achieving your maximum potential, and how it can lead to a life filled with joy, spiritual growth, and limitless endeavors. 

Being boundless, as a concept, refers to the idea of transcending the limitations and constraints imposed by our physical, mental, and emotional experiences. Being boundless profoundly resonates with me and represents my journey toward self-realization and the pursuit of my limitless potential. Being boundless means breaking free from the barriers we impose on ourselves, whether these are societal norms, self-doubt, or limiting beliefs.

Being boundless at the very core is trusting that our true nature is not confined to the boundaries of our body, mind, or ego. Instead, we are interconnected with the entire universe and are an inseparable part of it. This realization enables us to tap into our innate potential and experience a state of boundlessness. When we recognize that we are more than our physical bodies and mental constructs, we can unleash a tremendous source of creativity, insight, and power.

We can approach boundlessness by examining the nature of reality and consciousness. The ancient Indian philosophy of “Aham Brahmasmi” (translation: “I am the Absolute Reality) embodies this idea, signifying the union of the individual with the ultimate reality, the Brahman. We create a sense of limitation and boundary when identifying as separate individuals. Aham Brahmasmi teaches that the ultimate reality is a non-dual, all-pervading consciousness. By recognizing our identity with the supreme consciousness, Brahman, we transcend these limitations and experience our true boundless nature.

Illustration created using Dall-E

Throughout history, spiritual leaders and philosophers such as Sadhguru, Dr. Deepak Chopra, Rumi, Lao Tzu, and Alan Watts have explored the concept of boundlessness. Sadhguru, an Indian mystic and yogi emphasizes the importance of exploring our inner dimensions and realizing that physical or mental constraints do not limit our true nature. Sadhguru also speaks of the importance of absolute involvement but not attached to it. By being involved, we can fully engage with life and experience it to the fullest, while detachment allows us to maintain our inner balance and freedom, regardless of external circumstances. This balance is vital to embracing our boundless nature.

In his book “Metahuman,” Dr. Deepak Chopra introduces the concept of “nonlocal consciousness,” which transcends the boundaries of time, space, and individuality. By accessing this state of consciousness, we can tap into our boundless potential and experience a deep connection with the universe. Chopra also emphasizes the power of intention and focused attention to manifest our desires and shape our reality, further demonstrating the boundless nature of the human potential.

Epictetus, a Stoic philosopher, believed in distinguishing between what is within our control and what is not, allowing us to focus our energy on cultivating inner virtues and embracing our boundless potential. Rumi, a 13th-century Persian poet, and Sufi mystic, beautifully expressed the boundless nature of love. At the same time, Lao Tzu, the founder of Taoism, advocated for living in harmony with the natural flow of life.

Cultivating a deeper connection with our true selves and the universe enables us to become more attuned to our spiritual nature. This heightened awareness and a deeper connection with our true selves and the universe allows us to make better choices, act with wisdom and compassion, and contribute positively to the world.

The journey toward boundlessness involves letting go of the things that hold us back, such as fear, attachment, and ego. Unconditional love, compassion, and selflessness help to connect with the boundless nature of our being. 

To become boundless, we must engage in practices that help us expand our consciousness and break free from limitations. Some of the methods to start your journey toward being boundless include:

  1. Develop self-awareness – Embrace a growth mindset and engage in meditation and journaling to deepen your understanding of your thoughts, emotions, and beliefs.
  2. Embrace change  Welcome the uncertainties of life as opportunities for growth, breaking free from the limitations of your comfort zone.
  3. Practice gratitude – Cultivate an appreciation for the present moment and the interconnectedness of all things, developing a deeper connection with your boundless nature.
  4. Practice letting go – Identify areas where you may be holding on to fear, attachment, or ego, and consciously work on releasing these constraints. This might involve letting go of unhealthy relationships, forgiving yourself or others, or relinquishing the need for control.
  5. Engage in spiritual practices – Explore various spiritual practices, such as yoga, meditation, or prayer, to cultivate a deeper connection with your true self and the universe. These practices can help you develop a greater sense of inner peace, balance, and boundlessness. Remember, yoga is not merely a physical exercise but a way to unite the body, mind, and spirit.

As we continue to explore the boundless nature of our existence, let us remember that our potential is infinite, and our capacity for love, joy, and growth knows no bounds. My quest for boundlessness has led me to discover the interconnected nature of all things and the unlimited potential within each of us. We can positively impact ourselves, others, and the world around us by embracing this mindset and applying the teachings of great spiritual leaders.

Together, let us embark on this journey towards boundlessness, unlocking the limitless possibilities within and creating a life filled with joy, purpose, and profound meaning. 

Sadhguru says, “The only way out is in,” and Rumi said, “Stop acting so small. You are the universe in ecstatic motion.” Dive deep into your inner self, explore the boundless nature of your being, and unleash the infinite potential within you.

#neverarrive #boundless #limitlesspotential

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Intuition: an underutilized faculty of mind that is key to realizing our true potential.

Intuition is a fascinating subject that has intrigued scientists, artists, and philosophers for centuries. But what is intuition, and how to know, access, and use it?

Intuition, at its core, is often described as a gut feeling or inner knowing that doesn’t rely on conscious thought or rational analysis. Instead, intuition is a profoundly intuitive sense that arises from our subconscious mind and guides our actions, ideas, and emotions. It’s a form of subconscious processing that draws on our past experiences and insights to guide us toward the right decision or action. When we learn to trust our intuition, we can tap into a deeper source of wisdom and creativity that helps us navigate life’s challenges more easily.

Intuition is often dismissed as a vague and mystical concept. However, scientific evidence supports its existence and importance in our lives.

Science has shown that the brain processes information unconsciously before it becomes consciously aware of it, allowing us to make split-second decisions. Intuition is rooted in the unconscious mind, which is capable of processing information at a much faster rate than our conscious mind. The subconscious mind can process information up to 11 million times faster than our conscious mind, found a study conducted by scientists at the University of California. This implies that our intuition can pick up on subtle environmental cues and patterns that we might not consciously recognize, helping us make more informed decisions. 

Research has shown that intuition is particularly effective when making quick decisions or dealing with complex information. Participants in a study published in Psychological Science journal found that those who trusted their intuition could solve a difficult problem faster and more accurately than those who relied solely on logical analysis. Another study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology concluded that individuals more in tune with their intuition had greater life satisfaction, creativity, and self-awareness. The University of Michigan found that people who scored high on a test of intuition would make more successful investment decisions than those who scored low.

Several books have explored the science of intuition and its implication in life’s trajectory for realizing your unlimited potential. In his book, Blink, Malcolm Gladwell makes a case that our intuition can be incredibly accurate, even when we don’t have all the necessary information. He cites several examples, such as the ability of art experts to identify a fake painting in seconds and the ability of firefighters to sense when a building is about to collapse.

Rosamund Stone Zander and Benjamin Zander argue in “The Art of Possibility” that intuition is the key to unlocking our creativity and discovering new possibilities. Similarly, James Redfield, in “The Celestine Prophecy,” explores how intuition can guide us toward our purpose and help us connect with the universe’s energy. He notes that intuition is not just a tool for decision-making but a way of life that can help us live in alignment with our true selves.

Many successful people, from business leaders to artists, credit intuition for their success. For example, Steve Jobs was known for his intuitive approach to product design. He once said, “Intuition is a very powerful thing, more powerful than intellect, in my opinion.” Oprah Winfrey has been vocal about her reliance on intuition in making decisions. Albert Einstein credited his intuitive insights with helping him make breakthroughs in his work. He once said, “the intuitive mind is a sacred gift, and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.”

The scientific and real-life evidence suggest that intuition is critical for progress and well-being.Now, the question is how to tap into such a vital faculty and use it at your will to unleash your unlimited potential.

I learned some practices by listening to some great minds. I have been using them regularly and can confirm firsthand that these practices work. A few to start with are:

Cultivate presence – being present is the foundation of accessing our intuition. Practice mindfulness meditation, breathwork, or other techniques that help you connect with the surroundings and increase your mental presence.

Listen to your body – our bodies are powerful antennas that can pick up on subtle signals from the universe. Pay attention to how your body feels when deciding or pursuing your goals. If something doesn’t feel right, it’s likely your intuition telling you to reconsider.

Practice self-reflection – reflecting on your thoughts and emotions can help you connect with your inner wisdom. Journaling, meditation, or talking with a trusted friend can help you process your experiences and gain insights.

Trust the universe – the universe constantly sends us signals and synchronicities that can guide us toward our purpose. Paying attention to divine signs can help us uncover new possibilities and experiences. Remember, I always quote Rumi’s “What you seek is seeking you.”

Trust your first impression – our initial reaction to a situation or person is often a result of our intuition. Instead of dismissing this feeling, take a moment to explore it further. What is your intuition trying to tell you?

Don’t forget; intuition without action would be a waste. Trusting your intuition means taking inspired action, even if it may seem unconventional or outside your comfort zone. In my earlier blog, I argued that making quick decisions and acting on them with a positive and never-give-up mindset will make you truly unstoppable. Tapping into our deep subconscious mind for answers to challenging situations and trusting instincts for those split-second decisions, followed by action, will set you up for a life-long journey of unearthing your limitless potential.

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Unleashing the Power of the Mind: Insights from David Goggins

I have relentlessly argued through my blog that we all have unlimited potential, and that life is about stretching this horizon repeatedly. No other than David Goggins describes and lives this so vividly. David Goggins is a former Navy Seal and a never-finished endurance athlete. Goggins argues that mental strength is what it takes to overcome any obstacle. Goggins has found strength and motivation to do more from every adversity, including the people who want to pull him back, life situations, mental trauma, and physical injury. 

In his memoir, “Can’t Hurt Me: Master Your Mind and Defy the Odds,” Goggins chronicles his journey of overcoming personal and physical challenges through discipline, self-discovery, and mental toughness. The book provides tools to overcome obstacles, both physical and mental.

In his latest book, Goggins emphasizes that you are wrong if you think you have reached your pinnacle. It is just the beginning of a never-ending endeavor. He argues that our capabilities far exceed our wildest imagination, and the decision made in a split second can change your life forever. Goggins stresses the importance of being comfortable with change and taking control of your life. 

I highly recommend reading the book because every page is a lesson. 

The five key ideas I noted from the book are.

Change your mindset and be a “savage” – In Goggins world, being savage is a compliment. A savage defies the odds, has a strong will that cannot be tamed, and always gets back up when knocked down. Goggins suggests that if you want to maximize minimal potential and become great in any field, you must embrace your savage side. 

According to Goggins, you can become a savage by intentionally changing your mindset and using an alter-ego to turn the savage on or off. Goggins himself cultivated an alter-ego where David is his authentic self, and Goggins is his alter-ego who is fearless and unstoppable. This mental trick can help people overcome their fears and attempt things they never thought possible. Goggins uses alter-ego to power his journey to become the hardest uncommon amongst the uncommon.

Discipline and a positive attitude triumph over everything – The lack of discipline results in a half-hearted approach to life. Discipline can bend your reality. You can be born a loser, but that doesn’t determine your future. Despite life’s challenges, such as a lack of natural talent, difficult upbringing, or personal insecurities, David argues that discipline can alter one’s DNA and unlock the doors to success. Discipline provides the power to change your direction and trajectory. 

Goggins believes a bad attitude is the only thing more infectious than a good one. He says the more you dwell on the negative, the weaker you feel. However, the reverse is also true. Goggins simplifies a positive attitude with his “roger that” explanation, which is not just to note “order received” but really means “order received, expect results.” 

Denial is limiting, and embracing one’s pain is a strength – David believes that denial of shortcomings and fear of disappointing yourself or others can limit one’s potential. The circumstances in life are often out of our control, and it is our responsibility to take control of our future. David encourages embracing one’s identity as an underdog and never quitting when your pain and insecurity are at their peak.

Don’t be afraid to disappoint others – Goggins emphasizes that you must put your needs first, even if it means letting others down. No one will care about your problems as much as you do, so you need to take charge of your own life. To live the life you want, you need to be comfortable with the possibility of disappointing others. By doing so, you will be able to live a life that is true to yourself. David also sees negative emotions like hate as fuel and uses criticism from others as motivation to work harder and achieve goals.

Set your standards – the key message here is that don’t try to be the best among the herd, be the best version of yourself. David tells about his experience of training with Captain Connolly. David learned how to do more with less and that it was not just possible to dig deeper but mandatory if you strive to be your best self. David says that to stay humble, you’ll need to make sure you are living up to your own code for your development—far beyond the influence of parents, teachers, coaches, or other traditional mentors and their philosophies.

I would like to leave you with two quotes from Goggins:

I’m still haunted, but I’ve traded in my demons for evil-ass angels, and now, it’s a good haunting. I’m haunted by my future goals, not my past failures. I’m haunted by what I may still become. I’m haunted by my own continued thirst for evolution.


The world needs all of us to evolve into the very best versions of ourselves. That’s a moving target, and it isn’t a one-time task. It is a lifelong quest for more knowledge, more courage, more humility, and more belief. Because when you summon the strength and discipline to live like that, the only thing limiting your horizons is you.

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Harness the power of negative emotions and experiences to uncover your limitless potential.

You would agree that at some point in our life, we go through negative experiences and emotions that shake us to our core. The pain, suffering, and misery are so overpowering in some cases that many never recover. The experiences, predominantly negative and during the early years, shape how a person evolves in later years. The first thing the therapy counselor wants to know (if you have ever been to one) is your childhood experiences, especially the traumatic ones, and where you felt the most pain, humiliation, inferiority, or embarrassment.

Even we, ourselves, do negative self-talk and create negative emotions. We are hesitant to admit our laziness, continued procrastination, and lack of will and blame how external factors stop us from doing all the great things we ever wanted to do.

However, we are always advised to suppress negative emotions and only remember the positive ones. We know it is hard, but we bury them within ourselves and move on without realizing the power of transformation they offer. Negative experiences and emotions are inevitable, but how we respond determines if we will use them as a source of strength or allow them to hold us back. Negative experiences don’t always feel good in real-time but offer immense opportunities for personal growth and uncover an even greater limitless potential.

I subconsciously and thankfully learned to harness my negative experiences and emotions early in my life and use them to convince myself that I must change my reality. I was bullied many times and made fun of. I felt sad several times for not having the means to do things and how our family’s situation was in my early life. for instance, I was embarrassed when I did not even have the bus fare to go with my friend to Delhi, who was traveling just to buy a jacket. There are several other such experiences where I felt inferior and that I’m not enough.

I have felt ashamed for not being able to converse in English correctly. In one incident, I could not understand the American accent or communicate with some people during my first visit in 2006. I had to eat onion rings for two weeks straight for lunch because I could not speak adequately to ask whether there was meat in other options. Similarly, when I started working for an American company, they had a weekly all-staff call, and I HAD TO SPEAK. I was terrified every single time and tried to find an excuse.

There have been several experiences where everyone doubted my abilities or decisions, including my family and friends. Even today, at every step in my journey, to become the best version of myself, people always tell me that I’m thinking beyond the realm of possibilities. They will try and instill self-doubt, discourage you, and want to hold you back. The doubts often come with sharp and disheartening words that could never leave you and, most of the time, do not let you live to your potential.

However, in all these experiences, one other thing was common. I willfully did not want to forget them. I will memorize every little detail. Even to an extent where I would remember what I was wearing, where I was, the surroundings in all colors, what was explicitly said, and every emotion that crossed my mind and heart in its tiniest expression. I promised myself that it would not happen again and that I will change this reality no matter what. Whenever I feel that I’m deviating from my objective for a few days, I will relive these experiences as vividly as I can imagine, not in fast track but in slow motion. I would feel every emotion I had at the time and recall my determination not to let it happen again.

David Goggins suggests in his book to record your inner dialogue in detail by spilling out all dread, laziness, and stress into the mic. He advises playing it back to yourself many times. Chances are that you would not like yourself cringing. This should be used as motivation to change the situation for the better.

Self-talk is essential. Regardless of how loud the negative voices are, know that you have the power to liberate and redefine yourself. Listening to ourselves out loud clears the mind. At this very moment, we know the right thing to do is to keep moving forward with force. These words become actions, and our actions establish habits that can code our minds and bodies and set us on the journey to unearthing our true potential.

I can tell you with my first-hand experience that the negative emotions you have been suppressing or trying to forget have real transformational power.They have helped me shape my life for the better. Sometimes I found my calling regarding what I wanted to achieve, and sometimes it was about not letting something happen to me again. Nevertheless, these negative emotions and experiences gave me light and put me on a path of endless discovery. Now, they have become an extension of me.

I’m in no way advising you always to suffer negative experiences and live miserable lives while you chase your dreams. I’m suggesting they provide a lot of strength and motivation if you can use them at your will.

Don’t avoid, ignore, or suppress your emotions. Instead, face them, accept them, and own them. Rumi said, “the wound is where the light enters you.”

I have successfully used these negative emotions to my advantage and overcame many hurdles in my life. However, I’m not done yet…there is much fuel left in the tank.

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Dying poor is not destiny but a choice we make by not realizing our limitless potential.

A quote attributed to Bill Gates, “if you are born poor, it’s not your mistake, but if you die poor, it’s your mistake,” has been criticized by many pundits over the years. The way the human brain is wired, reading the quote instantly diverts the attention toward money and being wealthy. Many see this as a wealthy person making fun of those who work hard during their lifetime but still can’t accumulate wealth. Some have also counted that money is not everything. True, richness is not only about money, but more on this later.

Birth is the new beginning. The reference to the poor at birth can also be viewed as a blank page of a new story. How we live our life, set goals, whatever they are, and the experiences we gather on the journey to accomplish them will define how rich we are in the end.  Dying poor signifies that we did not live to our full potential. Imagine yourself thinking on your deathbed that there were so many things you could have accomplished. This state is parallel to dying poor.

Dying rich is answering yes to; did we live to discover our true potential. Did we create an atmosphere for emotional, personal, mental, financial, and spiritual growth? Did we become better people, contribute to the community, and leave the planet better than we found will define the richness of life.However, you can’t deny that money solves most problems and is a crucial component of many other life objectives. So, let’s first address the issue of getting rich.

Image generated using openAI’s DALL.E

Naval Ravikant says that every person on earth could become rich. The irony is that most people do not believe they could be rich. They accept it as their reality. Confucius said the man who says he can and the man who says he cannot…are both correct.

Creating wealth starts with a strong desire, unstoppable action, and the unshakable belief that the goal will be achieved. Unlike prior generations, where only a few entrepreneurs could get rich by executing industrial projects, others traded their time for a living. Technological developments over the last few decades laid the foundation accessible to this generation, providing tools and opportunities to create wealth.  

Technology is an excellent equalizer by democratizing accessibility to various tools, including software, automation, and information/knowledge. Most of all, technology is taking on mundane tasks so that we can be creative in innovating novel business ideas, products, solutions, and services. This is how the new generation will create unprecedented wealth.

Peter Diamandis says if you can solve a problem for billion people, you have a billion-dollar business opportunity. Technology provides tools to experiment and create faster at an unprecedented pace, reach more audiences digitally and physically, even for your niche product or service, and a real-time feedback loop to improvise and maximize output. 

Internet connectivity and computational power laid the foundation, but the next generation sets the stage for unparallel productivity and creativity. For example, think about how the breakthrough of GPT-3 and DALL.E will help create value by helping write code and design images.

The limitless creativity of human beings and unwavering persistence, combined with rapid innovation, will inevitably generate wealth.

However, I concur with many others that creating wealth should not be the sole goal; instead, it is about happiness, family, and many other qualities of life. I want to put this from a different perspective. Fulfillment in life is what you aim for. Now, fulfillment could have different definitions for people. 

For the majority, it is about creating wealth, but many prioritize spirituality or taking care of the family as a primary objective. Nothing wrong with it. The key is leaving no stone unturned in achieving your calling. Suppose your life objective is to be spiritual or become a good father. Devote your life to it; the accomplishment will make you feel rich.

I’m sure you will agree that this is 100% our making, and everyone has a choice to be rich in this perspective. Rumi said, “What matters is how quickly you do what your soul directs.”

I have made my choice to create wealth and live a fulfilling life. Have you made a choice? Let’s go on the journey together and unfold the possibilities.

#neverarrive #limitlesspotential

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Who Am I?

A common thought you may have heard is that you are how you hang out with, or as John Rohn said, “you are the average of the five people you spend most of your time with.” 

I tend to disagree. People say to choose wisely whom you associate with because that defines your life’s direction. This situation parallels what came first, the chicken or the egg. Your social circle determines your destiny, or you define it first and then choose people for help. Either way, your wins are 100% your responsibility—it starts with you and ends with you. Of course, there will be people along the way that will, in some ways, be instrumental, but you don’t rely on them for your mindset. You have limited control and reliability over the outside world, but you can regulate your mind and effort in finding your true potential. Rumi says, “Set your life on fire. Seek those who fan your flames.”

One key message; when I say winning, it is not relative to anyone else. It compares me to me. I’m winning if I’m getting better. I win if I can defy my mind, which is talking me into not grinding myself, to still getting up and finishing. I win if I overcome social bubbles that do not want me to leave the herd and do something extraordinary.

Looking back, I think my experiences and events in life so far have made me who I’m. I firmly believe that the motivation, moral, and emotional support we get from others is temporary. It is imperative, but the fuel it provides is generally short-lived. The inner drive makes us unstoppable.  The motivation and courage to do anything extraordinary in our life, whether for a career, relationship, or even spiritually, comes from within (if interested, read more about me here). 

Let your skills stand out, and outwork yourself each day.

Human evolution is such that we become social animals and are wired to live in tribes. It was essential hundreds of years ago when the environment was unsafe. Even after millions of years of development, social security and approval are assumed to be vital for our existence. The rules of a particular society lay the framework under which we operate, and it essentially becomes the world of limiting possibilities—a sort of bubble.

You have no control over where you were born and who your parents are. We also know that most of our life is defined by childhood experiences and the interests or skills we develop early on. The success or the failure can be traced back to some events that happened in the initial years of our life. Most of you would also agree that the friends we make during school are for a lifetime because, at that time, there was no purpose for friendship. However, at such an early stage, we were not choosing friends. At least, I wasn’t. Most of the time, it just happens, and you do things together and make and keep the friendship in good and bad times. 

Mostly, the people surrounding us are our social cushions. Your 2 am friends, if you have any, would often listen to your ideas and desire for growth very carefully, be concerned and try to contribute. Even family will always provide our reasons as to how good we are. We fall back to them in times of difficulty, which is good but doesn’t support our relentless growth. They will typically not tell you to your face that you are not living up to your capabilities.  They will not push you beyond your limits because they are too scared of your growth. Being among the herd is what everyone thinks is essential for well-being. 

Your growth (personal, professional, mental, and emotional) is 100% your responsibility. You are the only person accountable for your win after win after win. You absolutely cannot outsource this responsibility and accountability. If at all anyone is needed in this journey is someone who could keep you accountable for your growth. This is a rare breed, and you would be fortunate to find this someone as a friend, coach, mentor, or life/business partner.

How do you keep yourself so focused on who you really are? Of course, you must have a clear goal and keep taking steps toward it. A crucial aspect is mental. It would be best if you kept out the social talk. As I mentioned above, people feel comfortable if you remain in the herd, and if you do anything to break the bubble, they will do everything to talk you down. Keep away from these thoughts. 

A discrete strength I developed early in life to filter what I absorb in my psyche helped me immensely. I remember vividly that I would not keep any thoughts that I thought were talking me down or taking me away from my objective.  Later in life, I learned that it is called Vishuddhi Chakra.  In ancient yogic practice, active Vishuddhi, which is assumed to be in your throat, filters poison referred to as negative emotion, idea, energy, or impulse and provides freedom. I’m not saying in any way that my Vishuddhi is active at all levels, but I believe it is helping me stay on course by avoiding any negative external thoughts and even negative self-talk. 

Who we are is, no doubt, sadly influenced by external factors, but the key is to trust yourself, listen to yourself, and hold yourself accountable fully for your objectives. The people who have looked beyond external factors and social bubbles have changed the world. You and I are perfectly equipped with everything we need to go beyond limits. 

Confucius says you have two lives, and the second begins when you realize you only have one. Let’s go live it to our true self!

#neverarrive #limitlesspotential

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